Hi! I’m Lisa…

Hi, I’m Lisa Stoops and I’m a follower of Jesus, wife, mom to 3, entrepreneur, and teacher.

In 2018, I quit my 9-5 j-o-b to go full-time in my freelancing Facebook ad business. After about a year, I started to feel burned out. I knew something was off. I turned to the Lord and He started to show me that I wasn’t in total alignment with Him. I realized that I wasn’t working from a place of purpose, but rather “just to make money”.

As I slowly (it’s a process lol) stopped doing what I thought I should do and started seeking God on what He wanted me to do the idea of helping Christian entrepreneurs with content hit me. I used to own a writing service and in 2011 I had a PLR business. I knew I could combine two things I love – the word of God and online digital products/entrepreneurship and create a time-saving solution for Christian entrepreneurs, coaches, and leaders.

Plus, I can share how I make an extra income without working all the time. YES, you can make a GREAT living helping people WITHOUT working 24/7!

This is just the beginning!  Stay tuned…things are unfolding as I walk in this direction! xx

My mission is to help more Christian entrepreneurs, coaches, and leaders create more income online – without working 24/7 – so they can bless others.